If the Professor is tired of waiting two to three minutes for his computer to boot up he should get rid of Windows and install a decent OS like Linux. His computer will then boot in seconds, not minutes.
Robert Walther
\'Valis\' For someone claiming to be a disciple of tech visionary Philip K Dick, yours is a terminally ignorant comment. Please change your fake name to \'Luddite\'.
Hello Valis, others,
Point well taken, but if this incident did not happen to the professor, this new technology would not have come about. Many an \"impatient persons situation\" is the mother of many an invention(s) ideas coming to fruition. And you too will applaud I believe this memory storage breakthrough. Mike
Dennis Gray
Why is every article about anything on the \'Net an excuse to slag people\'s OS choices. Really, Valis, get off that high horse before you fall and hurt yourself.
Facebook User
It\'s not the OS, tho windows is not as streamlined as Linux, but it\'s the crap that\'s on the computer, I try to tell my kids that, they whine about the computer when it\'s the crap they downloaded that is causing the problems.
I still have a computer that runs Windows ME, I don\'t use it anymore because it\'s too slow with a 500 Mhz CPU but it still runs fine, in short, it\'s not the computer, it\'s the monkey
I\'ll take the new technology (no moving parts and less power demand) now, thanks very much. When the crystal structure of the wires is sorted out (in manufacturing) ship me a new module.
Hard-drives are like record players - they have served their purpose and had their day.
Akemai Olivia
What\'s your prob., valis?

It\'s not the stuff that Linux is greater than Windows, it\'s the fact that we need to improve our current technologies, to get hold of cool new stuffs like Teleportation, Artificial Intelligence, etc, and perhaps don\'t get beaten when we are invaded by brutal aliens.

Man!!! Vision
I\'ll believe it when it reaches the market. Lots of promising technologies have died over the years for various reasons. Younger people wouldn\'t remember magnetic bubble memory, which had similar advantages over competing storage tech over 30 years ago.
Plasma Junkie
This isn\'t new and it basically doesn\'t work. IBM played with this for years and years. Hell, Parkin is still probably screwing around with this. Before that lots of time and money was wasted on Vertical Bloch Line (VBL). There are more problems than just pinning sites. Not gonna happen, folks.
Terry Penrose
If you are getting impatient about the boot times of your PC regardless of the OS, why wait for this Tech to mature, get an SSD (Solid State Drive) fitted now. Configure it as your primary boot drive and bingo!. Startup/Boot times of 10-15 secinds are not uncommon.