Todd Dunning
Another Sovietesque project to put us into little boxes underneath our better\'s idea of what is good for us. Yet again we see how Red you can make Green.
Nice if you\'re 19 and need somewhere to crash and feel eco-sanctimonious.
Not nice if have your own identity, achievements and a family - and would prefer to emerge out of the State\'s cocoon to have your own space, yard and architectural taste.
Todd, my identity is defined by how I act, not the square meters of my residence. I dare say, if the entire world held your view then you\'d be living a lot further from where you do with little clean air to breathe.
Todd. There is nothing Soviet about this. In fact it\'s rather luxurious apartments and while I\'m very sure you feel unique and superior with you own space, yard and taste in architecture some people may not share that taste. No one will force people to live in that building nor will they need to.
Lot\'s of people like living in apartments and many even prefer it over urban sprawl and miles of commuting. And as for that precious yard of yours I\'m betting it\'s either a dump or a neglected piece of lawn with a sad barbeque grill that is just sitting there.
ポール スコット ディ ポンペオ
@Todd Dunning: Not everybody is a breeder and believes in owning a home to be part of The norm. I appreciate your comment, but it\'s a little silly to call this project Soviet-like (I really like your neologism, by the way... It\'s - - - \"cute\"). I guess some people are just jealous, because some of us did not get stuck in a horrible relationship that ended-up with 1.5 kids (The norm) in a suburban home, a dog, and a paranoia for the come back of communism! Cheers, mate.
Tim Williamson
What an amazing place! I would give anything to live there. Nothing sovietesque about it, but it\'s very, efficient, beautiful and innovative.
Inspiring! I love the aspiration to flourish in harmony with earth\'s carrying capacity.
Another example of a living building, to be built in Portland, Oregon, and addresses our proclivity to own our own home, can be seen at
I would move in tomorrow. Need I say more, except that adventuremuffin, Tim, ????, BZD, and Nrwhd, I agree with you? Ian Colley.
Asoor Shyam
I concur with many comments but would be interested in learning a few details of the scheme for a country like India, where the average dwelling unit would be around 1600 sq.ft. The solution would do a great benefit in developing countries as they still are bracketed under \'Developing Nations\'.
Strange how one silly comment shaped all the others, but I\'ll bite.
Has anyone else seen anything this progressive during the Soviet era or is it just me?
It\'s just high-end metro,is all.
Wasn\'t Babylon\'s great 7 Ancient Wonder claim to fame the fabulous hanging gardens(where King Nebuchadnezzar later lost his mind,BTW)? Would that make all gardens Babylonian?
Sometimes over-extended comparisons can lead to strange conclusions....
People tend to clump together like sheep(like it or not)and I\'d rather see more creativity like this than all those Soviet blockhouses that didn\'t even have elevators and had to do without power at all kinds of weird hours after the government and economy fell apart.
Seriously, could this be any LESS Soviet?
Ok,now,how about we erase all these comments and start over with some new though fitting the artistic architecture featured in the article!
Personally, I hope this guy\'s not related to Paul Moller- Go for it and make it happen!
It sure does seem more plausible than a bunch of the crazy \"green\" yachts that come floating though Gizmag on a regular basis.... Peace, -g

Herbal Orgasm
Hope this guy is not related to Paul Moller lol lol good one.