Mike Vidal
Wow, this is a hell of an achievement on their part, amazing how far they really have come.
Scary. They’re more agile than most humans. What’s next?
Well - that may be the most hilarious thing that 2020 has brought me. I never for a moment dreamed that I would one day see dancing robots. They're not bad, for machines, but I don't think they'll be hearing from the Bolshoi any time soon. On the other hand - 2020 is not quite over yet. 😁😁
Douglas Bennett Rogers
Backup dancers displaced by robots!
They got ridim...funkiest robots ever!
Patrick Young
Ew! Creepy, uncanny, horrible toasters. We're all doomed...
Ivan Hermans
In 1983 during a performance of “Billie Jean”, MJ performed for the first time his famous dance move, the Moonwalk – a choreography created by himself.
I can imagine in 50 years the Olympics will all be robotics. Humans will be so boring, so slow, so dull in comparison the human Olympics will die off completely.
Mark O'Brien
Pretty amazing evolution. But in the back of my head I hear "At your command" being said by Cylons...
Skynet, that's how it started....