I wonder how many people have died so far from smoking e-cigarettes?
IMHO, simply banning everything bad for everybody is NOT the solution!!! The result of prohibition of alcohol in early 20th century was a huge disaster but it seems nobody taking lesson!!!
This seems to be more of a political gambit to get people of San Francisco angry at the FDA than protecting their citizens.
Real pre-market review would produce a record (of health effects, pollutants produced etc) that the public could examine. Apparently neither the manufacturers nor the current FDA want such a public record. I wonder what they know that we don't.
Shooting up heroin and defecating on the sidewalk is one thing. BUT NO E-CIGS!!
Expanded Viewpoint
What a bunch of idiots! So what is going to keep someone from stepping outside of the city limits, and buying their drugs of choice there?!?! Is it just the devices that will be banned from being sold, or the chemicals that go into them too? You cannot legislate "good" behavior into people, we will always find a way to do what we feel we must do. Even if it kills us as a result. Those of us who can think clearly and logically do not choose to do things that have a high likelihood of causing great harm to our body. We take care of it as best we can so it lasts a long time.
This PC crowd is unreal! We are going to ban it "cuz it's bad for ya and you are too stupid to think for yourself!"
Do good political hacks! They always want to ru(i)n everyone else's life... STAY OUT OF MY LIFE!!!!!
I am NOT saying these e-cigs are good for you... I am ONLY saying that people should be able to make their OWN decisions! Politicians need to stay out of peoples lives!
@paul314 - In 2007, e-cigarettes were introduced to the American market. So Odummy had the opportunity to ban them under his administration. I can see you are more concerned with blaming the "current FDA" for the "e-cig problem" than the truth. The reality is there are FAR worse things health wise than an e-cig that are common place in American society!
Douglas Bennett Rogers
Over the past 50 years, marijuana and tobacco have traded places! One is as bad (or good) as the other. This is a political farce.
Hopefully, the new stoners will be to lazy to vote their reps in the future.