\"100 percent reduction in fuel consumption\" = it consumes 0
Great to see that energy saving technologies are sterting to be applied to yachts too.
Captain Danger
All I see is a CAD image, and not a very detailed one at that. I suspect this is just a press release not something that has been actually built. I will reserve my judgement until after it is built and working
Shame the same can\'t be said for getting backwards and forwards via the helicopter. Probably blows the neutral carbon footprint out of the water.
What do you mean when you say "capable of feeding 450 MWh's of electricity to the grid"?
Her batteries hold 3 MWh's, so you cannot be talking about discharging her batteries.
Her diesel engines total rating is 1.6 MW, plus solar panels at 0.1 MW, and wave power at 0.1 MW, so are you saying that after discharging the batteries, the remaining 447 MWh's come from draining the diesel fuel to run generators, plus solar and wave power? At 1.8 MW (combining diesel with the solar and wave power) it must run for 248.3 hours to put the remaining 447 MWh's onto the grid. Please explain how you came up with the 450 MWh's.
John in Brisbane
I love all this tech but something these guys (and Toyota) won\'t want to talk about is the embodied energy - the amount of energy it took to make this thing. I can not imagine them ever repaying in carbon savings the amount of extra energy it took to make this vessel over and above a similar, completely conventional one. I have read that hybrid cars are the same - the batteries use a crazy amount of energy (and hence CO2 emissions) in construction that there is no hope of every repaying in savings. A similarly sized diesel car, over its whole life, will have a much lesser impact on the planet.
I am not picking on Toyota or the designers of this boat - I am glad they\'ve been thinking and working on this kind of stuff. I just think they\'d be better off spending the extra dollars on contributing to research for things like biofuels that their cars and boats can run on - and maybe eventually make them net CO2 reducers.
As a more general comment, seeing as this article is about \"green\" tech, I am starting to realise that we\'ve been kind of hypnotised by the idea of reducing emissions as being the goal when pulling CO2 out of the atmosphere is what is actually needed. I am a big fan of luxury boats and this one would tread much more lightly on the planet but I can only view it as a very early stepping stone towards actually fixing the problem, rather than merely slowing the rate at which it is getting worse.
Doug Johnson
The important question is: Does it have a Kahlenberg horn on it?
Why the inane arguments about the carbon cost of building the thing in the first place? No matter how its done, there will be significant energy expended to build it. Why not look on the bright side and count the many years of carbon savings available to the planet as a result? Moreover, if certified, the owner could probably qualify for carbon offsets which would further reduce the cost of operations.
And, you can be sure that some enterprising group will come up with a method to reinvigorate, or recycle, lithium-ion batteries once they have reached the end of their service life.
I am confused. A 50% savings only has meaning unless we know what 100% means. I\'ve read and reread this, I still don\'t know what a yaght like this would normally use per fuel consumption per mile. How much oil per mile? If it uses BLANK gallons per mile, and this new one uses 1/2 that. How many gallons per mile?

Green megayacht - now there is a classic oxymoron in the making. Any idea how many thousands of barrels of oil went into the manufacture of the fiberglass and steel or how much it tool to mine and smelt the metal and how many batteries had to be manufactured and where they will go in 2-3 years when they need to be replaced. This is as ludicrous as carbon offsets where Al Gore will fly to Asia but pay to have trees planted like that is going to really make a difference. Yachts like this are but one more symptom of the disconnect in people understanding the link between a record number of billionaires and their new toys and billions of people going without food or medical care. The Lauderdale paradox is exemplified in the shrinking of the real American economy regardless of the phony GDP figures. The millions of Americans who lost their homes, their jobs, and their medical insurance, know very well the sorry state of this country even if the people at gizmag do not.
Russ Pinney
I like Gizmag. Hell, I like Gizmag a lot. But all these concept sketches dressed up as reality without the slightest hint of critical analysis? They all make me like Gizmag just a little bit less.
C\'mon fellas. You\'re a beacon in a sea of dross. Stay that way.
And besides. A helicopter? 1600 kw worth of diesel engines? Green? Fig off.