"they also raise some complicated ethical concerns"

Ethical part actually can be quite simple: Global permanent ban for all kinds of human-animal hybrid attempts!
Otherwise, keep in mind, if/once they are allowed, then what/where is the limit exactly?
It IS tricky! But if these chimeras help find cures for some of our deadliest diseases I'm all for it.
Dr. Moreau is alive and well I see!
c w
So, if the idea is that we can experiment on non-human, non-sentient things, and science is contunually providing mire evidence that our idea of "sentience" may be limited, and these human-(other primate) creations can be developed into beings that are more human-like in feeling and thought....why not just experiment on willing humans?
Planet of the Apes?
Ron Stidmon
This seems to be an ideal avenue to our next pandemic.
Expanded Viewpoint
Just because we can, doesn't automatically mean that we should!! We can jump off cliffs and high buildings without parachutes, but I strongly advise against doing it!
When we experiment in making new kinds of machinery, new processes and works of art, that is one thing, as there's little, if any, potential harm in it. But when we tinker with living organisms, there is an entire universe of potential harm laying in wait for us there! The complexities of organisms is just HUGE beyond our imagination, and then so too is the risk of things going awry! The picture there of the chimp wearing glasses and playing chess is a great meme, and in it is contained the message "how many moves are possible on the chess board of life?" One wrong move, and you're DEAD!!

These scientists are pushing the boundaries. What a wretched creature, half human/half animal.
The Law in the UK recently changed regarding organ donors. Now unless one OPTS OUT, it is assumed that all your bodily parts will be available for transplant in the event of your death. So, there should not be a shortage of organs. I'm not sure how many people are aware of this Law. Personally, I think if people want to donate, they can opt in, and carry a donor card. This was the case until the new law.
I can imagine, that when the chimp realised he was losing the game, he swiped all the pieces off the board!(lol)
Chris Coles
Madness personified!