This will probably be released right after the cure for cancer, the common cold and controlled nuclear fusion. Take your flying car to the nearest pharmacy to get your $2 prescription.
Given that my mother just died of dementia at 80 and I'm 50, this is important science for me...
@guzmanchinky, I'm sorry for your loss. My sarcastic comment was aimed at all the so called scientific break throughs we read about every week that are just hype and will never come to pass.
Nick Arrizza
Has anyone heard of the work of Drs Dean and Ayesha Sherzai who have shown that up to 90% of Alzheimer's cases can be prevented and even reversed (in early stages) with a 100% whole food plant based diet? This information has been around for at least a decade yet the medical establishment focused on pharmacological treatments is blinded by their own inadequate training in the major impact of nutrition and lifestyle on the prevention and reversal of up to 80% of all chronic diseases (which we have known for over 100 years from evidence based research that has essentially bee ignored)!
Put me down for a double dose!
Metformin, a drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, inhibits PGE2 production, and reduces both inflammation and the potential for cancer.
@guzmanchinky, I too recently lost my mom who had developed some dementia. I only just discovered that this disease happens mostly to women. This could be because they generally live longer, watch more TV and perhaps exercise less. It's been some years now that all this attention is paid towards inflammation and its consequences.

It may be some time before drugs are developed to control prostaglandin levels but my personal approach is to eat more fruit, vegetables and legumes and less meat, exercise your body to oxygenate your blood better and mental workouts to challenge your brain and keep it on its toes. There are no guarantees, but that should improve the odds.
@Y_Contributor, metformin is not as safe as you might think. I know two older folks who nearly died from using it because they had limited kidney function and the doctor prescribed it anyway. It has also been connected to heart disease, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. This is a drug that has many possible serious side effects and should be used with extreme caution especially if you are elderly.
@Nick Arrizza, you are absolutely correct about nutrition. Modern medical research has just recently awakened to the fact that nutrition and our own gut bacteria are critical to our health and immune system. Yet, many if not most doctors are woefully ignorant of recent research. They just push pills. Unfortunately, many snake oil salesmen have jumped on the supplement bandwagon and are promoting many unproven natural cures some of which may actually be very unhealthy. Do your research and don't believe everything you read. Another problem is that we all are different. What works for one person may not work for another.
George Cernigliaro
Given that this possible fix is quite specific in metabolic pathway, is there any way of knowing, a priori, how altering this pathway may effect other unwanted side effects? I'm sure it's too early to answer this. Also, as the article mentions, age-related cognitive decline seems to be auto-immune related; is this also a gut microbiome issue?
It seems to me, if you exsersize, instead of being "dormant", eat a well balanced diet, stay away from doctors and their drug "fixes", and stay active, you should live well. Having good Genes helps too.
Still playing Racquetball at 71 and play with some in their 80's! (except for this Covid curse)