What would be the effect of this drug on bodybuilders? Is it a replacement for steroids?
Zaron Gibson
I really hope this can come out to the market and is somewhat affordable.
David Adkin
Where do i sign up for human trials :-)
David Adkin
This and another drug called Aicar have the same action and are closely linked/related. Aicar has been around for a lot longer and is on the world anti doping list.
The dosage used in the experiments (with mice) was 100mg/kg intraperitoneal (into body cavity) which, if scaled up to a 160lb, human would be 7.3 gm per dose. I see a problem here. :-)
I wonder if this would work to reverse muscle loss in astronauts on long duration space flights. They currently spend a good portion of their day exercising and still loss muscle mass. I also wonder what effect it would have on the bone density then. I am guessing none.
Simon Burdett
This is gonna be abused by Gym Junkies looking for that "edge", I guarantee.
I, however, would also like to volunteer for human trials.
I'd imagine much greater use in maintaining long term comatose patients or helping to rehabilitate stroke / car accident patients. The key I see is helping people who otherwise can't exercise. A quadriplegic would have trouble exercising for example and could gain a considerable improvement in their quality of life using a drug like this. For people with type 2 diabetes / metabolic syndrome the only real cure is to stop eating sugar and lots of carbohydrates and do real exercise. The drug might give a kick start but in the end the person would need to change their ways.
No mention of side effects. None at all... I smell a rat.