That's the future of food. It's called ArtMeat for "artificial meat". But instead of producing it in a lab, can't we engineer a plant to produce meat-like fruits?
This and similar products are going to change the economy and help fight climate change. Can't wait.
This is a very fine engineering feat. I have one question... If this is being done (in part) for animal welfare, what happens to all the livestock if this is adopted widescale? It is unlikely that anyone is going to keep a cow, sheep, pig or even a chicken as a "pet" once the social norm alienates this as "not environmentally friendly", or "water wasteful" or whatever and I can't imagine any farmers keeping them on once they are made redundant and cannot be used for income. Can you imagine the day when the only way to see a cow, a pig, a sheep or a chicken is to visit the zoo?
It has been stated many times that the biggest risk to "Western Society" is that of power outage and there is a very real risk for the lights to go out for days, weeks or possibly even months.
Wouldn't it be a pain if the ability to produce food stopped as soon as we were unable to produce power. The price of food goes up because of a power shortage.
I can imagine on hot days, we will be told to turn off our air conditioners (or electric heaters in winter) to maintain food production.
Extreme views? Maybe. Possible? Definitely.
We don't always know what goes into our food (I get around this by buying directly from a primary producer of choice), but EVERYTHING man-made has problems. Do you really want those problems (potentially) absorbed into your genes and passed on to your children??
Also, I notice that "famine relief" is last on the list of benefits. That seems a shame, as any food is better than no food.
Hmmmm, did sailboats disappear with the onset of coal steamers? Did horses disappear with the onset of motor vehicles? I don't doubt that in a world where synthetic meat is the norm, meat from livestock will be expensive (appropriately), but a demand for real meat isn't going to disappear. It might just be more of a luxury. Furthermore, I wouldn't worry too much about outage driven starvation when we already produce enough produce to feed everyone off of.
My Prediction based on two decades of research in the food industry. The first phase of lab meat will be derived from GMO crops and artificial chemicals . it will be a big success. it will be called FabMeat. The second phase of lab meat will be derived from pond scum. it will be a big success. it will be called GreenMeat. the third phase will be derived from reconstituted sewage. it will be a very big success. it will be called EarthMeat. spices and seasoning will be made from petroleum byproducts. average life expectancy of meat eaters in 2045 is 42 years. average life expectancy of vegetarians in 2045 is 122 years.
This is kinda frightening. I'll need to have my own farm and hunt game meat before it's too late.
I'm sticking with Soylent Green
Actually, if this is synthetic meat, does that mean that it is automatically kosher or halal ?
The name NAHMIAS , with the letters re-arranged becomes NA-HIMSA, which in Sanskrit means 'cruelty-free,. How very appropriate !
I think I would prefer plant-based "meat" over cultured meat. It sounds safer to me. Despite being a meat-eater, I think I would gag on lab meat.
Once again the lie of global warming suckers people into money being spent uselessly. No doubt the prices will be exorbitant also as is always the case with anything done to prevent the non-existent problem.
....7th grade Science lesson here folks: CO2 is called a greenhouse gas b/c it is associated with plants - in hot greenhouses. Scientific problem... Heat in the greenhouse is from the plants using up (removing) the CO2 in the greenhouse to make water vapor, O2, and food for themselves in a process called (remember 7th grade science?) PHOTOSYNTHESIS. The scientific FACT is the water vapor is what makes it hot (ever hear of humidity or the nightly news giving a "heat index" rating based on humidity?) CO2 cannot hold in heat - it is not a property is has. Politicians and kowtowing-to-the-almighty-dollar pseudo-scientists are the ones lying for the sake of money. Quit being a puppet. DO some research on the Hockey Stick graph, the farce behind it, and see the corrected version. Also google "Game Over, the IPCC quietly admits defeat." The IPCC is the global warming "go-to" of the UN that has been comp[iling reports for the last 15 years. But when the reports are all put togehter, they had to admit there was no global warming. Read it for yourself instead of being a puppet. The link you will find is not someone making false claims - it is the IPCC data itself.