i wish there was more, a lot more. i do have questions what carbon R we talking about? what results could be expected in utilizing this with graphene 1 atom thick or ceramic membranes? i think this may go way beyond initial intentions and i certainly hope so.
how durable could this be?
how much would it cost? wle
Tim Gesner
Just saw something like this at Costco of all places. They were selling toilet bowl plungers coated with some sort of nano particle so that when you pull the plunger out of the toilet, it comes out dry, so no mess on the floor, and because bacteria is present in the water, much less bacteria ends up living on the plunger. Pretty neat, I instantly thought of a hundred other applications, boots, coats, umbrellas, cups could be awesome because it should improve the insulative properties and you'll always get that last sip!
Jan Angevine
Isn't there gathering body of research showing the dangers of some nano particles getting into our bodies?
In the mid seventies I recall reading a Business Week article bragging about the merits of super hydrogenated fats to resist oxidation. This would herald an era of progressively larger scale manufactured foods that would have long shelf lives that would not go "stale" from oxidation reduction of the baked or fried fats therein. I immediately decided to make a lifelong practice of limiting my consumption of such foods since a fat component that would not oxidize on the shelf also will not be digested normally. Over the last forty years research has progressively, and now, conclusively shown that my concern was correct. Fire resistant compounds used on lots of fabrics now can be readily measured everywhere, including the Arctic, Ant-Arctic and in the bloodstreams of pretty much every living thing. So, what happens when some kind of compound that resists all liquids, obviously including liquids in us and in all the food we and all other animals eat winds up spattered across the world?
@StWils - what happens, is that graffiti doesn't stick anymore, and the world goes back to being drab-gray everywhere.
A coating to make your car stay clean and even be more aero dynamic, thats pretty cool. I'm sure the company will/should work out all the kinks before mass production.
Wonderful idea! This would revolutionize life. Think of the possibilities! Coated windows that repel water and dirt, coated sinks/toilets/tubs, windshields, building siding, car finishes, window screens...
So many ideas....
What comes to mind is coating the inside of pipes & tubes with the intended result being the prevention of plaque build-up & eventual clogging & bacterial growth & colony formation. Whether or not this is a good plan hinges on the answer to some of the other "posters" concerns, specifically those of surface coating adhesion integrity & potential toxicity.
To get a more permanent and commercial product, go see the stuff from C-Voltaics. They seem to have done this on a commercial scale while the rest are still doing a PR academic job - BTW: UMish is great school without any doubt, lets see what comes up next