Looks like an American copy-cat of the n3td3v group which has been around since the late 1990s. http://sites.google.com/site/n3td3v/
n3td3v group has over 10,000 volunteers, whereas these guys only have 600. n3td3v group has proper connections with the authorities, whereas these guys haven\'t. n3td3v group has over 10 years experience, whereas these guys haven\'t.
Victor McDermott
I\'m not really bothered by it all at all - so some desk jockey somewhere is going to file me under a game playing, porn watching, average scrabble playing, bad joke telling average guy category I\'m sure I won\'t be alone :)
After all, I\'m not bent on the destruction of the universe with the above plain faults
As Victor demonstrated, most people just don\'t care. Yet Privacy Rights was one of the selling points of why \"we\" were good and \"they\" were not. I guess when \"they\" collapsed, it\'s inevitable that \"we\" fill the void. And now \"we\" have become \"them.\"
Why did people bother escaping from East Germany, anyway. Just wait a couple of decades and that system has taken over the US.
Here\'s another 10,000,000 volunteers reporting everywhere you\'ve been seen, who with, when, and linking it all to your email address and everything you write: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYO2uhrIZJ4

Good on the folks who reported this surveillance. Don\'t expect to ever hear from them again...
Robert Walther
Attempting to monitor everything all of the time has the same result as monitoring nothing.
Bob Daly
The NSA has had the capabilities to monitor every cell phone converstion taking place in the United States since cells became the norm of converation( and the FBI when it was all copper). Key words trip the trigger and you are now on a list. Don\'t think so, if you jokingly use the word \"plane\" and \"bomb\" in the same cell converation, you\'re next airline ticket will have a special code that guarantees a long boarding process for you. The system is automated, so there is not a federal agent in dark glasses listening to your every word. This system was in place before 9/11, but has become a more fine tuned instrument since. To protect an Empire, one must give up certain freedoms, and since the TSA became a goverment entity, this has become the norm. We have been a socialist state for almost 50 years, it just takes longer for some to realize. Bottom line, if you don\'t want to be monitored then don\'t participate in any government program....good luck on that one!
As it seems to be turning out, higher availability of information is leading to a lower level of effective surveillance due to information overload. So we are not more secure, we are less secure and now the Bill of Rights is now hardly worth the paper it was written on. Welcome to America, land of the free. What a joke.
Facebook User
I\'m curious if I make everything I do, public, if I put it on a forum, or a blog, absolutely everything, from toilet in the morning till moments with wife in evening, or whenever I fell like doing it :), and all the discussion with friends, colleagues and family, and all my thoughts, dirty, kinky, dreams, desires, then what, I would be blamed for indecent exposure? Or they would call me an exhibitionist? I have no secrets, and I would overload the system, and then.....? Useless!:D Do you think they will ban me from life? Or they will be bored and will quit watching me?
Rex Alfie Lee
Here in Australia we are completely safe from this kind of surveillance. Basically what happens is that ASIO does the same thing as the NSA & CIA. Why we\\\'re safe is because whilst they\\\'ll find out some potential terrorist act they will always grab the wrong people for it because they\\\'re so incompetent. Only problem here is that if you get grabbed by them when it wasn\\\'t you.Yeah, I\\\'m being sarcastic. Our NBN is going to have this same kind of filtering & this will be the main reason for doing that filtering. They claim it\\\'s for paedophilia but the truth is that paedophiles are easier caught on-line without the filtering.As for the NSA perhaps they should be watching the CIA instead because if anyone in the USA is a terrorist it is the CIA. They\\\'ve created so much political instability in the Middle East & South America that it can be nothing other than terrorism.Who could ever really trust this group of terrorists?
While I\'m not crazy about the loss of privacy, it seemed inevitable with the advancement of technology. I\'m open about all my life, including my eff-ups, so I am not exactly blackmail material. What bothers me is the false information some fool has entered into the system about me; how do you correct lies?