Darwinian Roadkill
"if a person can survive the next 20 or 30 years, then breakthroughs in biotechnology will easily allow them to extend their lifespan - not to mention their quality of life - to 125 years"
Maybe a PhD in mathematics ,physics and computer science is in reach after all !
David Larson
sign me up for this!! if they need testers..
Schi Wei
Caution beware - TA-65 is derived from astralgus, a root that\'s been used by the Chinese as a staple herb for centuries. While I am not disclaiming its numerous benefits - better energy, boosting of the immune system, etc. I am wary of the claims about it extending one\'s lifespan. To date there has been no data indicating that people who have taken this root live till 125. If this were true, then the Chinese would hold the record for having the longest lifespan on this planet - which they do not. It\'s troubling to watch people use nobel-prize winning discoveries to rip off the general public. Now some companies are willing to sell this stuff for $8,000, because of some gullible folks out there.
@Schi Wei: Not to even mention the amount one has to consume for it to be available to every cell!
But that\'s not what worries me. Just imagine... over 7 billion people on this planet, becoming immortal, and continuing to reproduce. Even without immortality, it\'s already a problem to house and feed them all, even if we WOULD try. Now imagine the same planet WITH immortality... Sounds like disaster to me.
Jonathan Carcopo
Instead, we should execute every last one us, commit suicide, and all be neutered! That will solve the problem for sure /sarcasm /fail /owned
@Schi Wei: That\'s ridiculous, sorry. Just imagine the world right now, with millions of people dying each day of various dreadful diseases and we are just accepting of it. I\'ll take the problem of feeding people over the problem of aging any day.
@David Larsen: The researchers are not suggesting we eat their drug.
@ the authors of the article: Your article is irresponsibly over the top, full of hype and unsupportable claims. This compound has not been shown to have any effect on extending life, except theoretically. It\'s great news, but you are just hyping this looking for ad revenue and it\'s a cheap tactic.
Facebook User
Once this is proven safe and efficacious, sign me up. I agree with Darwinian Roadkill, that this would put the planets future technological advancement on steroid, as smarty pants everywhere work to solve problems.
If this really works, there goes my pension... but what worries me is who will benefit. Any means to up your life expectancy, let alone the holy grail of everlasting youth will not come cheap. And with that we come to a different side of this story, namely the ethical part. Who will be left behind (left to die) because of lack of funds? Another side.. what does this mean for the population explosion if eventually we all live to be 125, 150 or more years old? I´d love to see the CV´s of those who go back to work \"152 year old, looks 18, 72 years of experience as corporate lawyer, 34 as artist, 44 as secretary, 23 as.... \" wow.. I was mildly worried I´d never see Naples for lack of interest but now, why the hell not?
Now they need a cure for \"retirement\", and keep the 125 year-olds off the social security payroll! ;)
Bernard Howard
Remember the movie \'Cocoon\' ?
If you never die (of natural causes) the cost of living goes down ?
No heaven or hell ?
Imagine there\'s no heaven.. It\'s easy if you can.
Materialistic aspirations will not exist ?
You can give me the next line ?