Wow! Speeding tickets based on your net worth!! I\'d never get out of the car. Given that my net worth is less than zero, I rarely have to anyway. I wonder if I can get the state of Arizona to pay ME everytime the camera clicks me for a ticket on the freeway? They pay for Illegals to eat and stay, why not?
Facebook User
Exactly the sort of communistic garbage the leftists keep trying to get enacted in the USA, especially after the Internal Revenue Service\'s big \"business\" of confiscations of private property got reigned in.
What utter rubbish; these are shams, excuses for governments to line their pockets in the name of \"safety\".
Government revenue raising, what else could it be
This made me smile.People who recklessley endanger the lives of others for \\\'kicks\\\' should be punished accordingly. If I came up to you wildly swinging a broadsword towards your head, you would rightly expect the police to confiscate it. Why is it different if I drive through your village at dangerous speeds?
Speeding!? That\'s what they\'re worried about? O.M.G.! Those bums need thrown to the streets!
Getting fined for speeding in certian, built up areas, is fair enough, the autobarns in germany have the right idea. What pisses me off the most however is the fact its mostly illegal to use an alternative fuel to desil, just because the government wants to line its pockets with the rediculous taxs....
Facebook User
So if you speed and kill someone, you should be tied to a post and a relative of the dead person allowed to drive a car into you. Fair?
Craig Jennings
So if you lose it permanently where does it end up?
fexix: You missed the point of this article completely. Innocent people are being punished. The punishments do not fit the crime. Government benefits under the guise of protection. This is not justice but oppression. You must be a government employee.