Try and tell us oil is still a better solution now Koch brothers, try and sell America your lies greedy falsifications. I dare you!
We have an over 10 times more energy in solar power but we currently can get over 20%, that would make it 200%??? I love this idea and I applaud everyone doing this, I just don\'t understand the 10 times idea.
Show me a operating panel.
I went to PNAS to read the full article on Nanoscale solar cells and found nothing. This could be the biggest break through in photovoltaic physics in 40 years. If this can be mass produced we can all be energy independent, e.g., good bye utilities and oil companies.
Yet another article about solar energy breakthrough, and nothing ever comes from it from a consumer standpoint!
Ronald Cooper
why can\'t they trap light in the edge of the layer, slanting the layers so that the edges of the material face slightly up, then the light would bounce many times back and forth between layers before escaping. Sounds promising, but I\'m with Ed on this one, they say great things and they produce nothing for the public and in a few years it will be replaced by the next great (non producing ) idea that will require five to ten years of research and developement funding to perfect.
Put the ideas in a few different time capsules and place them in Germany somewhere. When the oil companies try to squelch this one, the information will then be available. Why? Because the Germans won\'t let the oil companies squelch this one.
The first silicon solar cells, produced in 1941, had an energy conversion efficiency of less than 1 %. Present best efforts boast conversion efficiencies of over 25 %. The claim that this research «produce[s] nothing for the public» simply does not correspond to the facts of the matter....
Jeff Chernoff
No need to dare the Koch can be sure they\'re moving on the patent holder already: Stanford University. Watch for the new Koch Arena at Stanford, coming soon.
Doug Batchelor
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