Will tin-foil hats reflect this back?
Seems to me this is a weapon designed for governments to use against their own populace. A martial law weapon if ever there was one.
Better idea: don't make the people angry in the first place...
Oh what a novel idea christopher. Back here in reality though, there will always be angry people, just as there has been since people existed. How could anyone be against more options for non-harmful means of dealing with an angry mob? Have you seen the video of the guy catching a non-lethal round in the family jewels?
A marine with a non-lethal weapon. Is that against marine policy ,standards or something?
This looks more effective than the DSH "puke ray" I first wrote about in 2007 ( ). It also looks more humane that the heat ray that DoD developed a few years later, which caused the painful sensation of being burned without actually burning you.
Michael Z. Williamson
"Marines." "Non-lethal." I can tell you how THAT will play out.
Donn Treece
Since when is the Marine Corps in the business of non-lethal weapons? Only possible use is to use against our own citizens.
First LT Spock,
Set phasers to stun.
OK, got that out of the way. The Active Denial system does similar things.
We should have several options for non-lethal.
I'd like to see these HPM Active denial systems deployed to the border to "help" those illegals back over to the other side of the wall, or as barriers where there are no current walls.
The Marine Corps shouldn't have the system described because the Marine Corps shouldn't be doing "crowd control" in the first place.
The mission of the basic Marine unit, the rifle squad, is to locate, close with, and destroy the enemy by fire and maneuver or to repel the enemy's assault by fire and close combat.
If the US government wants a police force to keep its population down, well, that's a problem in itself, but at the very least it should leave the Marines alone and recruit elsewhere.