Timothy Loose
Seriously, this is still a long way from video speed color displays. Getting acceptable color depth resolution is just one challenge. But it is very interesting.
Daniel Vulikh
Kinda kills the \"get rid of paper/save the forests/eliminate waste\" agenda doesn\'t it? It\'s great that it can be cheap and flexible... but disposable? I think reusable is a better direction.
David Larson
still, it\'s a start........ and remember what \"digital camera\" meant only15 years ago? won\'t be long before the newspaper looks as if it came from harry potter movies.
Coming soon to your (snail) mailbox: video junk-mail flyers. :)
I am really surprised and dissapointed that with a greater focus on sustainability we still have people focusing on disposable items.

An invention like this should be focusing on cheap re-usable devices not something that would be disposable.

At the very least they should be highlighting how recyclable it would be.
Facebook User
I\'m waiting for home use printers that can print e-ink or OLED displays.
Facebook User
@Facebook User: you don\'t use a printer to print to an e-ink or OLED display. It\'s an electronic device displaying an image in its memory; you upload the data to the device.
Facebook User
obviously this is a good idea. much, much less ink and paper are required.
Dave Andrews
I\'m sorry, but only an idiot would complain that it\'s \"disposable\" or a waste of paper. Use your heads!!! You\'re talking about taking newspapers and magazines from dozens, sometimes even over a hundred pages down to one... ONE! Do the math, This could be the single greatest development for the conservation of trees in human history. Do the math before you start bitching, folks.
I am all for saving the environment and our trees, but has anyone actually compared the carbon emissions involved in producing electronic components to that of producing paper? I read an article stating that globally the paper industry plants up to 3x more trees than what is felled! It also states that more pollution and environmental distruction is caused by reading an article through an online publication than through printed media due to the manufacturing processes followed. I would love to see a more thoroughly conducted independant and unbias comparison study.