Seth Kazzim
Good price range!
Is it just me or are really close to the next level in gaming, more so than in the past. All we have had were upgrades, these are completely new devices!
Elijah Sherv
WOW! That looks so fun! May look a bit dorky using it.. but wow. I've always thought of a way to walk around with your feet while experiencing it on a screen. And these guys have done an excellent job of doing that.
Matt Rings
Sweet, and the perfect price range. I have a spot in my game room just waiting... Now, the 1080p Oculus Rift, and a virtual rifle... all set.
Robert Weeks
Yes, teach more kids to kill people with guns. Do we need more people and children killed by trained killers? If so good job folks.
Here is the moment to watch again "The Lawnmower man". Pierce Brosnan was far better then, than in James Bond.
Great advancement in home entertainment. Now the kids will actually get some exercise. If we could add some fans and heat lamps to simulate wind and the Sun, then they will never have to set foot outside again.
Wow, I have to say, this product actually seems to have some legs—so to speak.
Snake Oil Baron
[sigh] Once again we have to remind people that not only is there no good data showing any negative effects from video games but violent crime has been dropping like a stone during an extended period of video game expansion in numbers of consumers and degree of "violence" (it's pixels, not people) even while kids are exposed to them at a younger age. This means that holding on to the belief that "violent" (it's pixels, not people) games turn people into "kill bots" requires an ever expanding degree of detachment from reality.
Crouching and going prone should be fairly easy, maybe with buttons on the gun controller. Looks good. It might not be the final perfect interface yet but it looks like it could be worth giving up the mouse and keyboard for.
Ben Drury
@ Robert weeks
Snake Oil Baron hit the nail on the head! i have seen many study's on getting overviolent children ( who have not used video games ) to play violent video games, has seen a dramatic reduction in angry & violent outbursts, with 98% of the children with only 2% actually getting more violent while playing the games but seemed to calm down after being removed from the games.
Games & guns don't kill people, People kill People !
Regarding no evidence to show any negative effects from violent video games -- a meta analysis of the research in this area can be found here:
I don't play video games but I have no problem with people who do. I do however have a problem with people who lie.
Abstract: "Research on exposure to television and movie violence suggests that playing violent video games will increase aggressive behavior. A meta-analytic review of the video-game research literature reveals that violent video games increase aggressive behavior in children and young adults. Experimental and nonexperimental studies with males and females in laboratory and field settings support this conclusion. Analyses also reveal that exposure to violent video games increases physiological arousal and aggression-related thoughts and feelings. Playing violent video games also decreases prosocial behavior."
Not that anyone will read it, but for completeness sake, the full text can be downloaded here: