I have a better idea to up the bet. Fix the distance to 5000m.
Any claim for top speed should be matched with the ability to stop within this distance. How much can you push the vehicle knowing you have to stop before crossing the line.
This will be a test of driver as much as machine.
Engineering must design something that stops on a dime without catching fire.
Mark Hover
Take em all to the salt flats and settle this debate once and for all.
Max Kennedy
Unless there is a development that improves production vehicles for regular people who gives a fart about $1-$3million cars. Expensive toys is all they are.
Hmmm.... I wonder what kind of mileage they get....
I hardly ever need to go that fast but would appreciate a car with a time-warp option; where I can arrive before I left. That would be worth paying for particularly in cities like Vancouver where, for some reason, we have the slowest traffic in world...and the Whistler highway has become gentrified.
Michael Wilson
technology is one of the few things that actually "trickle down". Turbo chargers, variable valve timing, anti-lock brakes, airbags and disc brakes were all parts and features of cars that at one time only the 1% could afford. Now they're ubiquitous to practically all cars. The new mustang makes 300hp whilst simultaneously getting 30mpg, which is about the same hp, but drastically better fuel economy, whilst polluting the earth less than the old cobra mustang did back in the 90s.
Technology in racing and racing cars such as these eventually trickles down to cars of the masses as the tech gets mass produced and goes from prototype to small production, to mass production scale. I for one welcome our record braking overlords.
Henessey has a valid point. The catagory is fastest production car. That means a car that anyone can buy and match the record with. If you have a device in the car that limits the speed for the customers to a level below the car's capabilities, you can't brag about those capabilities that are unaccessable to the customer. You certainly shouldn't be granted a record for those unaccessable capabilities. Guiness screwed up. Picture an athlete who does amazing things in practice, but performs below that level in games. What he does in practice is irrelevant. A bigger question is why would Bugatti limits the speed to its customers. What do they know about their car that they're not telling anyone about?
Ivan Schiller
Interesting statistics, $20,000 set of tires for the Veyron to go on the $2.5 million car. The $1 million Venom GT for the occasional use on an airfield, for the sole purpose to prove the ownership of the fastest car for, is it ego, or something else.
Nitrozzy Seven
So, the American company was all like "I can beat your record with an inflammable tin bucket", Guinness was all like "I bet you can", Bugatti said to Guinness "really?!", and then Guinness was all like "...NOT! LOL".
Cute story, bro! Next time try space. With enough farts, you could beat Bugatti's records. Still Veyron would fart bigger, though, without setting their ass on fire...
Not for long, the Agera will take'm down easily.