Wallpaper has been around for some time now, and one could argue that the same old paper-based patterns and prints have become a little stale with time. Interior designers looking to spice up their walls now have another option open to them, as Meystyle has given wallpaper a modern twist with the help of some embedded LEDs and Swarovski crystals.
The 22 designs which make up Meystyle’s "Between" LED wallpaper collection draw inspiration from ancient Mayan culture. Orange, turquoise and gold are the colors of choice, and both the LEDs and Swarovski crystals are painstakingly hand-applied at the company’s London studio.
Though similar in principle, the implementation and overall effect of Meystyle’s design differs from Philips’ LED-illuminated wallpaper concept. This product sees the LEDs embedded into the wallpaper fully, allowing it to be hung just like more traditional wall covering.
At the bottom of each roll sits two metal squares which, when properly placed, ensure an electrical circuit is maintained all the way to a nearby electrical socket. The LED wallpaper has a rated lifespan of 50,000 hours, so should be good for at least a few years, depending on use.
The company holds no stock of any particular design, so each wallpaper is created specifically for the client. The wallpaper can be delivered and fitted by one’s interior decorators of choice, or alternatively, the Meystyle team can fit it.