Steve Jobs has done his level best to keep pornography and adult content out of the iPhone App Store, but if the history of the Internet has shown us one thing, it's that any attempt to place a wall between porn and the raging tide of user erections is the definition of futility – for each one you strike down, another one springs up stronger than the first. So it will come as little surprise that the adult industry has scrambled to take advantage of the new iPhone 4's ability to make face-to-face – or face-to-other-bits videocalls.
Can Apple's FaceTime do for videocalling what its iPad has done for tablet PCs? Videophone technology has been a recurring theme in sci-fi over the years, but it's been available for a long time now and the vast majority of calls are still voice-only.
Still, there's one sector of the tech industry that seems to be able to run with new technology faster than any other – and the adult entertainment business has clearly seen a big opportunity in the launch of Apple's iPhone 4, complete with front-facing camera and the FaceTime videocalling app.
Phone sex lines are surprisingly popular, representing a multi-billion dollar industry in the USA alone – and it seems savvy operators have been placing employment ads on various online boards looking for presentable young women to act as FaceTime video phone sex operators.
Presentable is a key term here – this isn't the sort of phone sex job where you could get away with taking calls in fluffy slippers, a bathrobe and curlers… except on very particular fetish lines.
And the technology itself presents a few new challenges that even webcam girls will be unfamiliar with – the front-facing camera on the iPhone 4 is pretty much designed to capture only your face when you're looking at the screen in a videocall… point it at other parts of your anatomy, as callers will no doubt demand, and you won't be able to see what's going on.
I'm sure the ingenuity of the horny will shine through – this is an obvious use of the technology, with Apple's track record and the new iPhone's massive sales suggesting there will be a significant pool to draw a market from – and if there's one thing that can be relied on, it's that randy, lonely men will happily spend money on self-gratification.
Via MyGadgetNews.
Because no one has made ubiquitous affordable videophones available to the masses. ...and webcams still generally require a computer. 50 years ago we could each have had our own television station for video calling, but...
When telecomm or Internet industries make videophones available everywhere... likely most users will use them... for whatever purpose ;)