Balance or run bikes are a popular tool to help children learn balance and steering before transitioning to pedaled bikes. GreenChampBikes has developed a bamboo balance bike that is aimed at not only teaching children the skills they need to get rolling on two wheels, but also educate them on sustainability and the environment at the same time.
Balance bikes are composed of two wheels, a bike frame, handle bars and a seat. They encourage young children to balance and propel themselves by pushing off with their feet as opposed to just sitting and pushing themselves on a trike or pedaling with training wheels, which it is argued can teach children bad habits that need to be unlearned when making the jump to a regular bike.
The GreenChamp Bike is made of double-walled honey-treated bamboo sourced from China to increase durability and prevent cracking, while maintaining sustainability. The bike is then treated with a bamboo wax to weatherproof it. The company claims the use of bamboo also provides a smoother ride, with the natural material dampening vibrations. The bamboo bike weighs 7.7 lb (3.5 kg), and requires a small bit of assembly upon delivery, with the required tools shipping with the bike.
“Through the GreenChamp Bike, parents will be encouraged to educate their young children on the environment and provide their children with a greener future” says Daniel Heerkens, GreenChampBikes' Commercial Director.
The bamboo bike joins a growing list of balance bikes that have popped up in recent years, such as the BMW Kidsbike, and Grow bikes. In 2012, B'Kid was designed as a convertible balance bike/trike/child's bike combination made of natural materials, but it is still not available for purchase.
GreenChampBikes is launching a Kickstarter campaign on June 13 to help commercialize its bamboo balance bike. The company's website currently offers a contact us form to order a bike for US$165, but its Facebook page indicates that the bike will be available for a pledge of €110(US$150) via the Kickstarter campaign that will run until July 11.
Source: GreenChamp Bikes
I learned to ride by pushing my feet along the ground until I realised that if I picked them up, I could coast a little. From there, I realised that I might as well be pedalling. So I never had a bike with stabilisers.
Bamboo is a wonderful resource, but could be put to much more useful purposes, such as a construction material- good quality bamboo flooring for instance can be durable and very attractive.
Taking the pedals off of a regular bike is an option, but it can backfire. To properly use a balance bike, a child's feet should rest comfortably on the ground with knees bent, so that the child can walk, then run and then glide on the bike safely and easily. This gives the child confidence and they naturally learn to balance and steer. If a pedal bike's seat height is too high, then the child will not be able to do, or worse, could fall off or become nervous of being on a bike. So, although we prefer that parents find a balance bike with a proper inseam seat height, if a parent decides to take wheels off, please make sure that the bike is not too high. For example, a 16 inch wheel regular pedal bike will likely be way too tall for a little 2 or 3 year old to use as a balance bike.
Here's to keeping kids safe, happy and confident on a bike!