Back in January, Yashica launched a pair of 4K color night-vision binoculars designed to bring color and clarity to otherwise darkened views. The company is following up with the Explorer, which not only features two eyepieces but also a pop-up screen.
You don't need to have caught sight of these four stunning mountains that line the Pacific Northwest to know what a unique cup set this is – but if you have, you'll appreciate what a well-crafted tribute they are to such a beautiful corner of the US.
Thanks to its raging success on Kickstarter, the Zera Max handheld fan could soon be a staple in many a camper's gear box. It produces a mighty flow of wind from a compact form factor, making it a tool with tons of uses in the woods and at home.
Marlboro & Kane from London has a thing for shrinking tools down to the smallest size possible while still making them functional. The company's latest mini marvel lets you have a pen – and a bit more functionality – always at hand.
It's a competitive field when it comes to robot mowers, but this one may be a cut above most, with a pleasing price point, supreme weather detection, lawn mapping and a host of other features that mean you won't have to babysit it in the yard.
If you live on an acreage, there's a constant risk that your home may be consumed by a brush fire. That's where the Blaze Barrier comes in, as it forms a flame-activated fire-retardant boundary line around the user's house.
Your smartphone may shoot great photos and videos, but it's still much more awkward to use than an actual camera. The Snappy is one of the latest gadgets to address that problem, as it brings camera-like functionality (including a shot-stabilizing gimbal) to your phone.
Screen size is a laptop’s defining characteristic, and a major consideration when shopping around. Can you get a bigger display and still retain portability? The creators of the TriMax Pro aim to provide a bigger-screen experience in a still-portable package.
While many bike lights are made to provide side visibility, SeeMe takes the concept a whole lot further. The system's head and tail lights incorporate wraparound LED lighting strips, along with HD cameras that record any accidents which may occur.
Nobody likes washing dishes, but they keep piling up. The new Capsule Solo portable dishwasher from Loch Electronics is designed to make short work of that chore even while camping.
Weight training can be an intimidating and time-consuming exercise, but studies have shown that even light strength-work can speed up weight loss, stave off muscle loss and improve sleep. Now, one clever system has made it not just simple but enjoyable.
Less than a year ago we told you about the Tiroler, a titanium ring that's a rather clever alternative to the boring ol' tape measure. Well, its makers are back with a new take on the concept, which also performs calculations.
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