Kids' bikes are learning to grow as quickly as children. Designs like the Grow bike and B'kid expand in size to keep up with the fast-growing tyke, and the Wishbone bike keeps right on growing from pedal-free balance bike to pedal bike. The new Leg&Go bike does all that and even transforms to keep the ride going indoors and out in the snow.
The Leg&Go bike features a distinctive two-part wood frame. The two curved frame members can be secured to the fork in three different ways to create three bike styles. When laid on top of each other with the outside of the curvature pointing down, they create a low-to-the-ground balance bike good for very small children. Flipped up the opposite way, they create a higher frame with a bit of under-seat suspension. If the child desires more shock absorption, the two pieces can be mounted in high-low configuration as pictured below, creating what Leg&Go designers call a "comfort bike."
The Leg&Go frame itself makes for a versatile, growing balance bike, and Leg&Go's accessories make it even more versatile. The single-gear pedal kit transforms balance bike to pedal bike when the child is ready to learn how to ride. The pedal kit uses a belt drive, wooden pedals and a fixed gear. The owner can also add an extra rear wheel to create a pedal trike. To create a pedal-less downhill bike, Leg&Go has designed a set of foot platforms that pull the child's feet off the ground. The Leg&Go is designed to stay with the child from about eight months through six years of age, serving as an introduction to balance and pedaling.
All the other growth bikes that we've seen in the past stop transforming at "cycle," but the Leg&Go keeps changing form into other types of toys. The bike frame can be attached to a rocking elephant platform that's like a small, wooden rocking horse with wood-flex suspension. With the addition of the ski kit, it becomes a sled or "polar bike" that keeps the fun going right through winter.
The Leg&Go Bike relies on a simple set of tool-free hand screws for assembly, disassembly and transport, and transformation. The hardware makes setup and reconfiguration easy tasks that can be handled in minutes. The pieces also offer some room for adjustment, so you can adjust handlebar, seat, frame and wheel height within a single bike configuration.
The Leg&Go bike design includes a steering limiter meant to prevent small children from turning the front wheel too sharply, which could result in falls and injuries. The limiter can be removed when the child gets older and more experienced. The bike has a 14-in front wheel and 12-in rear wheel sized for a smooth, stable ride.
Leg&Go, which has an office in New York and will be doing its manufacturing in Latvia, launched its Kickstarter campaign today. Pledge levels start at US$179 for the basic balance bike with high, low and comfort configurations. Options like the pedal bike, rocking elephant and sled are linked to stretch goals and will be offered to Kickstarters if the campaign reaches those individual funding levels. If all goes according to plan, Leg&Go will begin deliveries in December.
You can watch the ultra-versatile kit in action in the video below.
Source: Leg&Go
Should be "Choose 3 in 1 balance version for $179 or with downhill kit for $224"
Children at the targeted age have remarkably short attention spans...short enough to make the time required to reconfigure and bolt on extra parts questionable in it's worth--not to mention, what parent would jump at the though of carrying loose parts and tools for every trip?