If you want to make yourself the life of the party then the Party Vest could be for you. Sure, you might struggle to carry on a conversation with anyone but it will likely be a conversation starter for other attendees at the shindig. Built on top of a Daniese Gilet Cali Tessuto motorcycle vest, the Party Vest comes retrofitted with an 8-inch Boss audio bass 900 subwoofer on the back and a pair of motorcycle speakers reaching over each shoulder.
The vest has connections to play tunes directly from your MP3 player or iPod, and has an independent volume and bass control function so you can customize the output for the particular type of jams you're playing - and possibly give yourself a low frequency back massage, which would probably be welcome after carting this thing around for a while. The system is powered by a rechargeable battery belt worn around the waist to keep the tunes going.
Sound a little too much for you? This Bluetooth-enabled Audex jacket can also pump out tunes, except the speakers are in the hood so only you can hear them. This Electronic Drum Machine shirt is also along the same lines as the speaker vest, and lets you play a virtual drum machine for your friends at parties without being weighed down by a huge speaker system on your back.

The Party Vest is available now for US$850 on Etsy.