If you're a meat-and-potatoes kind of person, the idea of a dedicated kitchen tablet could seem a little excessive. But if you consider yourself a one-person culinary sensation and spend hours trawling blogs, scribbling notes and emailing yourself exotic dishes, then storing recipes on the one device might seem like the best thing since the creation of Saran wrap. Key Ingredient's Recipe Tablet is built to endure the most chaotic of cooking environments, tapping into its massive online database to put an endless array of recipes at your grease-covered fingertips.
Equipped with Wi-Fi, the 8.2-inch Recipe Tablet gives the user access to the more than two million recipes on Key Ingredient's database. Selected recipes can be saved and organized into cookbooks, and those of your own making can be uploaded too.
It should be said that none of this is entirely new. Aside from the fact that you could store recipes on any old tablet, ruggedized solutions designed specifically for the kitchen have been around for some time. Key Ingredient itself introduced its first kitchen tablet in 2009 and last year we looked at the splash-resistant ChefPad, designed as a cooking assistant for the novice chef.
But Key Ingedient's latest offering does boast a couple of handy features. In addition to the heat and splash-resistant silicon cover, the tablet comes with a standing case and can be viewed vertically or horizontally. Its text-to-speech technology enables the device to read recipes and directions aloud to the chef, meaning they don't need to employ those bacon hands to swipe to the next step inf the process. The device runs on Android platform and can also be used as a regular tablet for web browsing, listening to music, playing videos and games.
The Key Ingredient Recipe Tablet is priced at US$150 and available now.
Source: Key Ingredient