
Cinch To Hang: A more Earth-friendly outdoor hanger

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Cinch To Hang adds some storage to your yard or campsite
Cinch To Hang adds some storage to your yard or campsite
Cinch To Hang adds some storage to your yard or campsite

When you're out camping or backpacking, you tend to have a lot of gear and a shortage of storage options. Cinch To Hang offers a simple way to keep your backcountry living space organized that's far more eco-friendly than knocking a nail, screw or hook into a tree to hang things on.

Cinch To Hang wraps around any tree of 4 feet (1.2 m) or less in diameter with its flat strap. The strap cinches down tight and the plastic hook attaches to the strap and provides a place to hang backpacks, jackets, wet clothes, boots and any other gear up to about 50 lb (22.7 kg). You can hang up to four pegs on each strap to hang more gear and weight.

Creator Action Items Inc. calls it the "first outdoor organizer of its kind to honor the trees it uses" and says that it won't even scrape and damage the bark like a rope would.

"In almost 25 years as a California State Park ranger, I probably pulled hundreds of pounds of nails and screws out of trees in my parks' campgrounds," explains retired CA park ranger Miriam Guiney on a testimonial on Cinch To Hang's website. "From tiny finishing nails to old, rusty spikes, the damage and scarring they caused was just awful. I wish we'd had Cinch To Hang all along, and I hope camp stores in every federal, state and local park starts carrying them immediately."

Cinch To Hang adds some storage to your yard or campsite

The Cinch To Hang could certainly be useful around the home, where you could use it to hang tools, hoses, clothes and other gear, but it seems most useful for outdoor activities where you lack storage space and want to protect the natural resources you're out enjoying. Action Items lists picnicking, fishing and backyard barbecuing as some potential uses. And weighing 4 oz (113 g) and 4 x 2 x 1 in (10 x 5 x 2.5 cm), its easy to pack and carry.

At US$18.95 for a two-pack, the Cinch To Hang is a little expensive. You could probably put together a similar low-impact hanging system with a couple bucks worth of household items and a couple minutes of time, but it's not so expensive as to be outrageous. If you want a simple solution without meddling around, it seems like a good option.

Product page: Cinch To Hang

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My family had been doing that with rope and S-hooks since before I was born 45 years ago.
Jim Sadler
As far as primitive camping goes we always end up with ropes on trees anyway. For example in attaching a rope for a tarp it is quite easy to circle the tree and hang items as well. In Florida nothing compares to a good jungle hammock as it gets you off the ground, free of skeeters and protects from rain with the super important bonus of being cooler due to being off the ground. Heat is the enemy here. And it sure beats waking up with a poisonous snake coiled next to your neck.
Some folding hooks that work with a strap. How did Edison miss this one? ;-)
What a dumb rip off. People have been using this strap system since the caveman learned to make rope. All Hammock campers from time immorial !! have used this method to keep there gear up off the ground from mud and snow. Flat straps can be got for Pennies. $18.95 plus tax.
The Skud
Why do people have to reinvent the wheel? Visit your local petrol seller or truck station, they will have cheap, strong, flat straps - some with tension fasteners - on their accessory rack! Next time you are in your 'dime' store, check out the men's belts as well! At least at this price, people may decide to retrieve them, not find it too much bother to retrace a couple of miles when they realise that Billy, Betty or Bubbah 'forgot', leaving the forest trees littered with straps, slowly strangling the tree.
Mike I
I have used the Cinch to Hang a few times and find it to be extremely covenant and easy to use when I’m camping and hunting. I have used ropes in the past, but as you hang more items from the ropes they become harder to untie. I have also noticed that the ropes do leave marks and damage the tree. For the ease of use and light weight I think the Cinch is a good product and something that makes your campground area a little more organized.
i have been using a ratcheting cargo strap with "s" hooks added, for roughly 20 years. As a deer hunter, 20 feet up in a tree stand, it hangs my pack, binos, range finder, calls, jacket (if it warms up) and my bow and quiver. It is a very useful tool, and serves many other purposes as well (supports my back-packer's hammock, bundles firewood, ect.) I find this new version lighter, not better. I will stick with what I am using now.
Bruce H. Anderson
In most hardware stores you can find Velcro One-Wrap straps that are 12 feet long (enough to go around most trees) and 3/4" wide (good surface area to keep from digging in). Not as stout as some systems that people use, but light and easy to pack. Add a few s-hooks like those used on EPDM tie-downs (available at hardware stores and truck stops) and you are set. Rather than a strap you could also use a rope with a loop at one end and tie it off with a trucker's hitch (simple to untie even with a heavy load). The special hooks on the Cinch-To-Hang are unique, but too large and complicated and will probably break after a while. But it is not prohibitively expensive and an easy one-stop purchase.