Not everyone can easily click a mouse. Many people with permanent motor disability have difficulties, along with those suffering Repetitive Stress Disorder or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and anyone recovering from hand surgery. Clikka Mouse is innovative "work around" software that addresses the problem and best of all, it's free.
Head-pointers and other assistive devices have long been used by people with disabilities to move a cursor. However, once you move to the object you want to click on, it's very difficult to push the mouse button without accidentally moving the cursor again in the process. In other words, it's easy enough to move a mouse with a head-pointer, but clicking can be tough.

Clikka Mouse, designed by Marcello Petrio e Gianni Baini, works with devices like head pointers to enable "automatic" clicking. Clikka emulates the double, single, left, middle and right clicks of a regular mouse without the need to use mouse buttons. As shown in the Bar Window screen shot above, Clikka Mouse puts a small bar at the left of your screen (which remains hidden when not needed). The user can select which "click" function is to be automatically performed. The cursor is then dedicated to this particular action, and will perform it once the cursor has come to rest on a selected object (such as a tab, icon, etc).
The program's "Tolerance" setting determines how quickly it will select an object prior to clicking. For example, Tolerance set at 0 means that as you run the cursor across your Desktop screen, it will immediately select the first icon it comes across. Tolerance set to 10 gives the user much more time to make a selection before the icon is highlighted.
The other crucial program setting, "Wait before click" allows you to determine how many seconds should elapse before actually clicking on the selected object (from 2 to 20). Unless you want to click on everything your cursor comes into contact with, you need to select a value of at least 5-10 seconds for your settings.
Clikka Mouse requires no hand dexterity to operate and can be downloaded free from websites such as Softpedia and CNET.