
Read entire book summaries in minutes with a $39 subscription to 12min

Nothing will introduce you to fresh, new ideas like a good book, but most of us don't have the time to flip through hundreds of pages and read them cover to cover. With a lifetime subscription to 12min, you’ll receive summaries of entire books that you can read in minutes for just $39.

12min Micro Book Library offers thousands of book summaries that you can read or listen to in just 12 minutes, making it easy to read and synthesize new ideas no matter how busy you are. Up to 30 new books are added to the ever-growing library each month, but if you can’t find the book you’re looking for, you can even suggest one to the 12min team, and they’ll add the book to the library in the future.

With 12min, there’s always time to read something new. You can sign up for a lifetime subscription for just $39, or 88% off.

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