
Enjoy a mosquito-free summer with this 3-in-1 bug zapper for only $32

It's a showdown at the OK Corral (or the OK Backyard, or OK Campsite, or the OK Anywhere the Great Outdoors Takes You) between you and the pesky 'skeeters. Yup, those bugs have been, well, bugging you long enough, and you're ready to take action.

There are few things that ruin a lovely outdoor evening more than the buzzing of those nasty flying nippers. You know they’re rubbing their scrawny little legs together sussing out their next target (which, for some reason always tends to be you!), and are preparing to dive bomb that one piece of flesh you’ve left exposed. It’s enough to make you want to spend the rest of your days never leaving the confines of your home.

Here’s a better alternative. Protect yourself with this multi-functional bug zapper. It emits a high-tension electric shock to those pesky bugs and sends them all off to bug heaven, or wherever bugs spend their after-life, leaving you to enjoy your time outside in peace. In addition, the soft lighting adds a lovely ambiance to the evening (and will help light the way when you’re out camping and searching for the facilities in the wee hours). It also features a foldable fan which will help get the circulation going in your stuffy tent or give you a quick cool-down on those sweltering days.

Waterproof and rechargeable, this Cool Zapper is a must-have if you intend to spend any time outdoors during the warmer seasons. Of course, mosquitoes aren’t the only uninvited guests at the party, and this zapper will take care of most of the flying insects.

Regularly valued at $94.99, this 3-in-1 zapper can be yours for only $31.99. Hang it on the patio, inside your tent, set it on the picnic table … wherever you decide to place it, it will give you peace of mind and a summer that’s a little less itchy.

Prices subject to change.

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