
Take the stigma (and high cost) out of hearing aids with these IQbuds

According to the Hearing Loss Association of America, there are about 48 million people in the country that suffer from hearing loss, but only 20% of them seek any treatment. The reasons they avoid getting help vary, but a solution can be as easy as these IQbuds.

While it may seem obvious that once the ability to enjoy the sounds of the outside world diminish, people would want to rectify the problem but, as indicated by the stat above, they're in the minority. Oftentimes the hearing loss is so gradual that those suffering don’t even realize it. Others are in denial — they view it as a reminder that they are getting old, or as admission of their ailing health. Still others are concerned about the perceived stigma attached, again alluding to their age or health, worried that those around them will view them as incapable. Another major factor is the cost. Hearing aids can cost thousands of dollars and it seems that some would rather endure the consequences than pay, either because they can’t afford it, or think that’s just too high a price.

What if there was a solution that addressed many of these issues, and even went beyond? Let us introduce you to the IQbuds MAX Advanced Hearing Buds. Not only will they help you to hear better, but they also act as wireless earbuds, allowing you to immerse yourself in the rich sounds of your music and podcasts. Equipped with EarID technology, the IQbuds assess your hearing and then self-calibrate to your specific needs. They also offer advanced noise cancellation technology that blocks out surrounding interference and allows your to hear conversations with more clarity. Given the fact that they look just like regular earbuds, no one need ever know that you are actually wearing a hearing aid. Gone is the stigma.

While you could wait for advances that the scientists are working on to reverse forms of hearing loss, why not opt for an immediate solution? As one reviewer puts it, “Don’t waste $4,500 on a hearing aid that may or may not work. Try these first. They are a lifesaver.” Get it for 10% off with code HEAR10 - only $427.50.

Prices subject to change.

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