Israel's Eco Wave Power (EWP) has just signed a memorandum of understanding agreement with the Ocean University of China to fund and test its first commercial scale Wind Clapper and Power Wing wave energy generation system.
EWP has certainly had a busy year. It began with the construction of a small scale proof-of-concept prototype at the Hydro Mechanic Institute in Kiev, and was followed by a medium scale system installed in the Black Sea during the summer. The company has also recently received the Frost & Sullivan Product Award for the development and implementation of the Wave Clapper and Power Wing wave energy harvesting system.
Unlike offshore wave harvesting systems such as the Pelamis system off the coast of Portugal or AWS Ocean Energy's harvesting device floating on Scotland's Loch Ness, energy from rising and falling waves can be captured close to the shore with EWP's system. Additionally, it can be installed on existing structures like breakwaters, piers, and floating and fixed platforms.

Now EWP has partnered with the government-owned Ocean University of China to realize the next phase of the project. According to the terms of the agreement, the university will secure funding for the construction of a commercial-scale development, and then conduct the subsequent research and development work using its state-of-the-art facilities.
"The cooperation between EWP and the Ocean University of China was made possible thanks to the Road Show to China that was organized by MATIMOP – the Israeli Industry Center for R&D – and the Office of the Chief Scientist at the Ministry of Trade and Labor," said David Leb, founder of Eco Wave Power.
The Road Show took seven Israeli companies to Beijing, Tianjin, Changzhou and Jinan during September to demonstrate clean energy initiatives.
Source: Eco Wave Power