
How to add any hi-def display to your computer using the USB Port

How to add any hi-def display to your computer using the USB Port
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If your computer is lacking the necessary video port to marry up with the new display you desire, Gefen has just made it easy for you with a “USB to DVI HD” adapter. The adapter offers plug and play connectivity for any digital display using the DVI, VGA or HDMI format, with support for resolutions up to 1920x1200, 1080p and 2k.

Users have the option to select an extended desktop or have the USB-connected display mirror the main display’s content. Multiple adapters can also be connected to the same computer system, including six USB to DVI HDs for a PC and four USB to DVI HDs for a Mac.

The USB to DVI HD comes with one USB cable, one DVI to VGA Adapter and one DVI to HDMI Adapter. With the addition of the DVI to HDMI Adapter, for example, consumer televisions can be added to the computer system with minimal effort and maximum effect.

No extra power is needed on the connected display(s) and the USB to DVI HD can be used in hot-plug mode, without requiring a system reboot for improved performance in the field.

Gizmag had several articles on USB to DVI/VGA adapters already. I did my homework and got two Diamond adapters that do EXACTLY the same tricks as the above promoted Genfen.
OK, I thought at least Genfen could be a more affordable option. Nope. The claims are similar if not exactly the same. But one costs twice as much as the other. Guess which is which.
OK...Diamond I have is not 2K. I need to correct my self.
Last time I checked, these USB video adaptors didn\'t play nicely on Linux, so no good for low-cost netbooks etc. Shame Ian
After reading your article, I ordered one from Gefen only to find that they are already discontinued. This is clearly NOT an emerging technology. It surprizes me that Gizmag does not check with the manufacturer before publishing an item.