Good Thinking

Glovebucket keeps messy jobs contained

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The Glovebucket – unfortunately, it's too small to hold a baby with soiled diapers
The Glovebucket – unfortunately, it's too small to hold a baby with soiled diapers
The Glovebucket could be useful for cleaning dirty bike bits
The Glovebucket could be useful for cleaning dirty bike bits
The Glovebucket can be used for cleaning paintbrushes and other art supplies
The Glovebucket's removable clear acrylic lid
User just throw their dirty items in the bucket along with whatever cleaning solution they're using, throw on the lid, stick their hands in the gloves and go to work
The Glovebucket could also be used for really dirty card games
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From time to time, just about everyone has to perform messy jobs such as cleaning paintbrushes, scrubbing greasy vehicle parts with solvent, or removing dried-on mud from footwear. Usually, you have to change into old clothes in order to so, and even then you'll still get some "overspray" on your face and arms. With the Glovebucket, however, you can do those jobs while wearing a tux.

The device itself is pretty simple.

It's a square 5-gallon (19-liter) high-density polyethylene bucket, with a removable transparent acrylic lid. The bucket has round holes in two of its sides, which a pair of included heavy-duty rubber gloves extend through from the outside – the gloves seal around the holes.

User just throw their dirty items in the bucket along with whatever cleaning solution they're using, throw on the lid, stick their hands in the gloves and go to work

User just throw their dirty items in the bucket along with whatever cleaning solution they're using, throw on the lid, stick their hands in the gloves and go to work. The lid lets them see what they're doing, yet protects them from flying drops of solvent, muddy wash water, or anything else. As an added bonus, they can pretend that they're a scientist studying a bio-hazardous material.

The Glovebucket is usually priced at US$79.95, although it's currently on sale for $49.95.

Source: Glovebucket via Bicycle Times

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The Skud
Very useful! I wonder how much (like new printer ink cartridges costing more than the printer) replacement gloves go for? Let's face it, they don't last that long!
Problem will be cleaning the bucket out afterwards. Rubber gloves aren't the easiest things in the world to clean thoroughly either, and you wouldn't want to be wearing a tux when replacing the gloves!
I think the best use for this product would be as a camper van manual 'washing machine'- you'd be able to get smallish items pretty clean by hand, and soapy water won't soil the gloves as, say, motor oil contamination would from cleaning car parts. Also, oil attacks rubber-based products pretty aggressively so they wouldn't last long cleaning angular motor components.
Matt Sailors
Not so much muddy shoes, as after I've suddenly found the pile of dog crap that I missed.