How do I get featured on New Atlas?

We get asked this one a lot, so here's the answer.

Everything you see on the New Atlas editorial pages (ie. everything that isn't labelled with "Advertisement" or "Sponsored") is there on the basis of merit - you don't need to pay a PR firm, a crowdfunding consultant, or us, to have your innovation featured on the site.

What we want to see:

  • why this is new, different, more important, or better than what’s come before
  • for products: detailed specifications, including when and where it will be available, and how much it costs
  • tell us about your team, the history, the spark that led you to where you are
  • plenty of high-resolution images and, if available, video (please use a server or file-upload service rather than attaching directly to an email)
  • full contact details (the sooner you respond to our queries, the better)

What we don't want to see:

  • crowdfunding campaigns without a functional prototype
  • false claims of being a world first (and we will check)

Offering us an exclusive story or an early review unit is one way to stand out. Sending us a list of other sites which have covered you isn't.

A large part of the New Atlas formula involves not writing about every single thing that happens, so please don't be upset if we don't cover your crowdfunding campaign, or your launch, or your new feature.

If you can tick all of the above boxes, contact us at