Children and adults can suffer painful injuries, or even risk amputation, from getting their fingers caught between a door and the door jamb. A unique door-hinge design from an Australian inventor could prevent these injuries from occurring. The Finger Hinge is a full-length door hinge that completely eliminates the gap between the door and the wall and therefore removes any possibility of getting crushed fingers when the door is closing.
The Finger Hinge is made from a combination of butt and pivot hinges. It fits on the door jamb and door edge just like a conventional hinge. However, unlike other door hinges, it is made of rotating, meshed segments so it does not leave a gap when the door begins to close. The hinge barrel is the same width as the door edge and can rotate 90 degrees in either direction of the door egress. It can be fitted to new and existing doors and is suitable for home, office and industrial doors.
The hinge allows the door to swing through 180 degrees, giving it a two-way operation. This allows people in wheelchairs and the elderly, who may have difficulty opening doors towards them, to simply open the door away from them and not have to close it behind them. The door can also be locked to prevent it slamming shut, and fitting an internal door closing device inside the Finger Hinge allows it to be used as a door closer or automatic door opener.
The inventor, David Ashard, has been working on door inventions for some years. His original design for a door-hinge was intended to make it stronger but he realized the potential for a hinge that would prevent door jamb injuries.
The Finger Hinge is currently in production, but you can see how it works here.
Via New Inventors.