There have been multiple studies released over the years explaining how cats and boxes go together like peanut butter and jelly. Sitting in boxes can actually help reduce stress levels and promote quicker recovery time by providing a safe place for your furry friend. We know you have a camera roll full of pictures of "if it fits, I sits', but what if there was a solution to help your cat and add to the aesthetics of your house?
Every Cat Needs A Box

Scott Salzman out of Colorado has just launched a KickStarter campaign for his Purrfect Pet Box: a pimped-out cardboard box for all your feline friends. It features an attractive design on the outside that can fit in with any home decor and a peek-a-boo hole to mimic the safety and small space of a den. Being a cat guy himself, Scott has spent years beta testing the boxes with his own cats at home, and they've been a hit!
He's reaching the final week of the campaign, so if you'll excuse us, we'll be heading over there now to snag one for our furry friends. Think he makes one in a human size?
Check it out in the video below.