TL;DR: If you’re a dog parent who wants to learn more about your pup’s DNA, health concerns, or potential allergies, check out a test kit from DNA My Dog.
As a dog parent, you want what’s best for your pet. Instead of guessing what exactly that may be, you might find breed or allergy identification tests from DNA My Dog useful to learn a lot about your pup.
The testing process is simple and completely painless. Just order and register your chosen kit online, take your dog’s sample with the provided swab, send back your test, and wait for your results. Depending on what you’re hoping to learn about your dog, select a test that closely matches your needs.
If you’re interested in a basic breed breakdown, check out the Essential Breed ID Test. This test searches from a bank of over 350 different breeds to identify your dog’s breed, genetic health concerns, and unique personality traits. You’ll even discover tips to help you strengthen your bond with them.

Dog parents who rescued their four-legged friend might be interested in learning more about their exact DNA breakdown, like with the Premium Breed ID test, which offers all of the previously listed features, plus a deeper dive into wolf and coyote lineage and genetic age. Either of these tests are excellent options to learn more about your pet and their needs so you can do your best to care for them.
You might be after more specific health information, like the Canine Allergy Test, if you think your dog might have allergies. If he or she seems to be scratching a lot or has food triggers, this test can help identify their food intolerances, household allergens, and environmental sensitivities. With an easy-to-read report, you’ll also receive some care tips so you can help your pup out if the results identify any potential allergies.
Better understand your dog’s health and allergy needs with a little help from a DNA My Dog test kit.