In the first study of its kind, scientists have used extensive data to identify that adults with ADHD have a significantly lower life expectancy than their neurotypical peers. This unprecedented research should serve as a serious wake-up call.
After recording kids copying the dance moves of an on-screen avatar for just a minute, an innovative tool can accurately distinguish neurotypical children from those with autism. It can even tell autism from ADHD, conditions that commonly overlap.
We've never been closer to accurately assessing whether someone is more susceptible to developing depression due to their biology, with 293 new gene variants found to play a role in ramping up the risk factor. That's 42% more than previously known.
New research has found that an existing ADHD medication greatly reduced the number of days people with a methamphetamine dependence used the drug. With no current drug treatment to assist people in getting off meth, the study’s findings are promising.
In a massive analysis of 113 clinical trials involving nearly 15,000 adults, researchers found that there's just one method that relieves core symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder – but no existing treatment improves quality of life.
People with disabilities face many obstacles navigating the workforce, and for the neurodiverse population, having conditions that can 'hide in plain sight' present unique challenges. This initiative wants to change it – whether it works, is another thing.
Spanning nearly 100 laboratories in 45 countries, a landmark study has, for the first time, shown an association between genetic brain shape and size and the prevalence of neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease and ADHD.
A non-invasive brain-computer interface that produces real-time EEG feedback on neural activity while the user plays a video-game, and then assesses data with AI, is helping clinicians more accurately diagnose attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
In a much-needed update to 2003 data on attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in the US, a new report has found that 15.5 million American adults have been diagnosed with the condition – and many have been let down by poor access to treatment.
An innovative start-up is out to change how attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is managed, with non-invasive light electrical brain stimulation delivered by a headband worn for just 20 minutes a day that aims to improve poor executive function.
'Night owls' get a bit of a rough time of it, with staying up late linked to a host of poor health outcomes. And, in a world where work hours favor early risers, late-night folk can feel a little out of step with society. Well, we have some good news.
Adults with attention-deficit/hyperactive disorder will know that it presents challenges that impact many aspects of daily life, including missed deadlines and forgotten appointments. This executive-function desktop friend is here to help.
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