The quest to resurrect the woolly mammoth has taken another step forward, with the creation of the Colossal Woolly Mouse. The lab-made rodents have been genetically altered to possess key physical traits of the extinct beasts – in fur and fat, at least.
The winning entries for the 2025 World Nature Photography Awards are astonishingly beautiful compositions that tell dramatic tales and depict the incredible backdrops against which the lives of fascinating creatures on our planet play out.
A 13-year study of tiny penguins in Australia has dispelled the long-held myth that these seabirds mate for life, with the 'divorce rate' nearly 10 times that of the current statistics for US adults. And, not surprisingly, it all comes down to kids.
Among the important scientific discoveries made every year are some that reveal that the world is way weirder than we give it credit for. From bizarre biological quirks that cause demonic hallucinations, to sci-fi scenarios like brains piloting robots and full head transplants, here are the weirdest science stories of 2024.
We often see the results of evolution, but not the process directly. Now, scientists have witnessed evolution unfolding in real time, as two similar lizard species encounter each other for the first time and quickly adapt to fill different roles.
Whales are not only the biggest animals on the planet, but they’re among the longest-lived, too. A new analysis reveals that right whales can live for more than 130 years, almost twice as long as previously thought.
Unless you're a nut, cute little squirrels pose little threat – but they could have a surprising murderous streak. After watching squirrels in California for 12 years, scientists have seen them actively hunt and kill small rodents this past summer.
I can't help but think of the thrill these photographers must feel when they snap these once-in-a-lifetime moments that are good for a giggle or three. I'm talking, of course, about the winners of the Nikon Comedy Wildlife Awards for 2024.
Scientists have charted how dinosaurs rose to prominence using a pretty unconventional method. They studied, in dirty detail, hundreds of samples of fossilized poop and vomit.
Whether you're an avid birder or a casual watcher of feathered friends in the garden, this high-tech, AI-assisted station is a next-level backyard playground for locals. However, you might end up with a whole lot of new visitors once word gets out.
Pythons have famously cartoonish eating habits, and they might be even better at it than we thought. A new study has found that Burmese pythons can eat even larger prey than was thought mathematically possible.
Scientists in Japan have created hybrid plant-animal cells, essentially making animal cells that can gain energy from sunlight like plants. The breakthrough could have major benefits for growing organs and tissues for transplant, or lab-grown meat.
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