A research team in Germany has found that even slight changes to regular physical activity, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, can counter the age-related loss of volume in brain regions linked to disease.
Building on a growing body of evidence linking viral infections with neurodegenerative disease, a study has shown how molecules on the surfaces of viruses can promote the aggregation of toxic proteins seen with diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
Researchers have discovered a new mechanism by which Alzheimer’s disease impairs memory recall. Neurons encoded with existing memories are drowned out by noise from neurons encoding new experiences. Silencing these allowed mice to regain lost memories.
ScienceAs the science of epigenetics begins to explain exactly how our gene activity can be modulated by external environmental factors, a great debate brews - just how heritable are these epigenetic markers? Are the epigenetic results of stress and a bad diet in your life transferred to your children?