The igloo is an ingenious form of winter shelter, but building one in the traditional fashion definitely takes some skill. That's where the Inland Iglu comes in, as it allows users to build an approximation of an igloo using their garden hose.
"Unavailability" is an achingly simple piece of design, functioning as a folding fishing hut with walls of ice.
Glamping involves staying in eco-friendly domes, that are claimed to take the camping experience to the next level of comfort.
Located in the Arctic Circle, Igloo Village features glass-roofed igloos from which guests can watch the northern lights.
The "Poo-Gloo" or Bio-Dome is an igloo-shaped device that cleans up sewage as quickly and effectively as mechanical treatment plants at a fraction of the cost.
Taking the concept of an igloo to new heights, Icehotel has grown from a one room art gallery known as 'Arctic Hall' to a sprawling 4000 square metre complex in