Kent State University

  • Green hydrogen is going to demand a lot of water for electrolysis – nine liters of pure water for every kilogram of hydrogen. Researchers say they've found a simple way to use seawater in standard electrolyzers, and that's big news for clean energy.
  • Scientists have created what they claim is "the world’s first machine to convert light directly into walking." It actually undulates more than walks, and could ultimately be used for applications such as the transportation of small objects within inaccessible spaces.​
  • We generally picture lasers as being encased within hard housings, much like most other electronics. Thanks to new research, however, we could soon see sensors or other devices that incorporate stretchable laser-emitting rubber.
  • With any medical condition, the earlier it's detected, the better. When assessing biological samples from a patient, however, it's often quite difficult to see the early indicators of a disease. That could be about to change, thanks to the development of "living liquid crystal."