The humble home security camera is now ready and willing to choose violence. This innovative machine uses AI to identify friends and family, and will pepper anyone else with paintballs – or tear gas rounds – at "ultra-high precision." Good lord.
The people behind the MegaBots Kickstarter campaign are raising money to build giant humanoid robots with human drivers to take on each other in paintball arena games.
Paintball gun design has remained about the same since the sport began, but an upcoming product could change the game entirely. The Strikeloader is a battery-operated backpack that feeds paintballs directly into a gun, eliminating the need for a regular loader while holding six times as much ammo.
The Robotic Weapon or SWAT BOT is a Mil-Sim A5 paintball gun mounted to a brushless, 4WD, RC vehicle that can fire up to 20 shots per second and travel at speeds in excess of 50mph.