University of the Basque Country
When someone has suffered a stroke, the resulting partial paralysis often leaves them with a poor sense of balance. A new rehabilitative platform could help in the recovery process, by objectively assessing what's known as their "center of pressure."
It was just a couple of months ago that we heard about an implantable material that electrically stimulates bone cells, causing them to reproduce. Now, scientists have created a similar substance that utilizes magnetism.
There are a variety of situations that may call for the implantation of electrodes in the brain, ranging from the treatment of neurological conditions to restoring the function of paralyzed limbs. A newly-developed hydrogel could someday replace such electrodes, allowing for better functionality.
As tomatoes ripen, they change in color from green to orange to red. Assessing when they're at peak ripeness is done with the naked eye, and is therefore somewhat subjective. Thanks to new research, however, producers may soon be using a laser device to take the guesswork out of the equation.