
Wireless Catcher converts WiFi signals into music

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Ok well maybe it isn't quite music, but it certainly sounds interesting. Created by Yoshi Akai, the Wireless Catcher is a sort of analog synthesizer that detects nearby WiFi signals and outputs a sound that varies according to the strength and direction of that signal. It's almost reminiscent of a theremin in how it created tones without any visible vibration or physical contact.

Besides being one of the most unusual noise-makers you'll ever come across, the Wireless Catcher is quite a looker as far as gadgets go. Decorative etchings adorn Yoshi's brass and copper creations transforming them into amazing works of art. The Wireless Catcher is no exception.

When asked about this aspect of his creations, Yoshi asserts that high quality instruments are not only about quality of sound but also about delicate craftsmanship, and it's for this reason that he takes such great pains hand-etching the exteriors.

If you'd like to have a listen to what the Wireless Catcher actually sounds like, give it a listen in the video below. The futuristic bleeps and blips juxtaposed with the antiquated metal surface is an intriguing combination, giving the impression that it might have fallen off a steampunkish time machine.

Yoshi Akai via Make Magazine

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Steampunk, baby! Cool.
Is that CP3O? You could just have a random noise generator built-in. It could get a bit annoying after a while (2:24 min)