
Former porn megastore transformed into world's largest net zero building

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The building has received LEED-NC Platinum and Net-Zero Energy certification (Photo: Gregg Mastorakos)
The building was originally constructed in 1972 (Photo: DPR)
The building required 10 months renovation time to get up to scratch (Photo: DPR)
All the building's energy is produced by a 79.6 kW photovoltaic solar panel-covered parking lot (Photo: Gregg Mastorakos)
A master cut-off switch can be thrown come office closing hours to ensure that any errant electrical devices aren't still drawing power (Photo: Gregg Mastorakos)
A sophisticated monitoring system keeps a close watch on electricity, gas, and water usage (Photo: Gregg Mastorakos)
The building features 87 windows which are automatically controlled by the energy-monitoring system (Photo: Gregg Mastorakos)
A total of 82 Solartubes channel sunlight through the roof (Photo: Gregg Mastorakos)
12 low-energy fans facilitate airflow around the office (Photo: Gregg Mastorakos)
The building features 87 windows which are automatically controlled by the energy-monitoring system (Photo: Gregg Mastorakos)
The building was originally constructed in 1972 (Photo: Gregg Mastorakos)
A sophisticated monitoring system keeps a close watch on electricity, gas, and water usage (Photo: Gregg Mastorakos)
The building has received LEED-NC Platinum and Net-Zero Energy certification (Photo: Gregg Mastorakos)
DPR's Phoenix premises now serve as both office and test-lab, to demonstrate the efficacy of sustainable technology in business (Photo: Gregg Mastorakos)
The building received LEED-NC Platinum certification, and a Net-Zero Energy certification (Photo: Gregg Mastorakos)
A master cut-off switch can be thrown come office closing hours to ensure that any errant electrical devices aren't still drawing power (Photo: Gregg Mastorakos)
A sophisticated monitoring system keeps a close watch on electricity, gas, and water usage (Photo: Gregg Mastorakos)
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Originally constructed in 1972, the former Castle Boutique Megastore in Phoenix, Arizona, has been transformed from an adult-themed store into the new headquarters of sustainable-building firm DPR. Despite its origins, it would be a mistake to underestimate DPR's new premises, as the building received both LEED-NC Platinum certification and Net-Zero Energy certification from The International Living Future Institute, thus making it currently the largest net zero building in the world.

During its search for new premises in Phoenix, DPR took a look around the former Castle Boutique Megastore and noticed that despite an outside temperature of over 100º F (37º C), the inside of the building was a relatively cool 80º F (26º C).

Recognizing that this indicated excellent insulation, DPR snapped up the 16,533 sq ft (1,535 sq m) building, and set about turning it into not just a sustainable place of business, but a show-office that could be used to demonstrate the best green tech the company could provide.

DPR's Phoenix premises now serve as both office and test-lab, to demonstrate the efficacy of sustainable technology in business (Photo: Gregg Mastorakos)

All required electricity is produced on-site by a 79.6 kW photovoltaic solar panel-covered parking lot, and usage is kept to a minimum with the help of a sophisticated monitoring and control system. Commendably, the building's consumption stats are displayed live online through the website Building Dashboard.

The monitoring and control system also operates 87 windows, opening or closing them automatically to aid ventilation and control temperature. A master cut-off (or "vampire") switch can be thrown come office closing hours to ensure that any errant electrical devices aren't drawing power overnight.

It appears that owing to the local climate and the building's location, water is provided by standard non-renewable sources, though we've reached out to a company representative for clarification on this point.

All the building's energy is produced by a 79.6 kW photovoltaic solar panel-covered parking lot (Photo: Gregg Mastorakos)

However, it is the building's passive technology that is of paramount interest here. In order to lower the indoor temperature to a comfortable level without the use of energy-guzzling air-conditioning units, the company used features which are simple in principle, but integrate into the building's monitoring and control system.

When necessary, four "shower tower" evaporative coolers cool the air by drawing it through water mist, before it enters the building. The shower towers draw the air inside with the help of a zinc-clad solar chimney which also expels hot air back outside. To further aid airflow, DPR also installed some active technology: 12 low-energy Isis "Big Ass" ceiling fans.

The building was originally constructed in 1972 (Photo: Gregg Mastorakos)

In order to reduce the need for artificial lighting to almost zero during daylight hours, DPR installed a total of 82 Solatube sun pipes. Sun pipes reflect the sun's rays through pipes in the roof and into the office, providing a bright light inside. Naturally, this system may not be as attractive in a frequently overcast or rainy climate, but it should be perfectly practicable in balmy Phoenix.

In all, DPR's Phoenix headquarters required just under 10 months renovation time and included members of architecture design firm SmithGroupJJR, and global consulting company DNV KEMA Energy and Sustainability. DPR hopes its new premises will prove that suitable older buildings can be modernized to a high degree of sustainability.

"As we continue to push the sustainability envelope, the design decisions we make are so connected to how our buildings perform," explains Mark Roddy, design principal for SmithGroupJJR. "We were able to take a 40-year old building and transform it as a living example for the community and DPR's employees. This project demonstrates that it is possible to live and work sustainably, even in a desert environment."

Source: DPR via Inhabitat

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Jon Smith
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! The world needs more porn more than it needs less carbon! Just kidding, well kinda...
I hope the sun pipes filter out the light that triggers migraines.
The building former "tenants" doesn't mean anything it is not like the building is shaped like a erogenous zone.
I meant to add that the solar collectors shading the parking lot is nice. having the car's interior at outside temperature is much better than having it at oven temperature.
Rann Xeroxx
Just checking out that good looking furniture... that just happens to be made by my company. Almost all made in America.