Apple announced today that it is completely overhauling the Mac Pro, but the revamped machines won't be released this year. For now, the current Mac Pros are getting a small spec boost.
The US$2,999 version of the Mac Pro will now have six Xeon CPU cores instead of four, as well as dual G500 GPUs instead of dual AMD G300 GPUs. The $3,999 Mac Pro will have eight CPU cores instead of six, and dual D800 GPUS instead of dual D500 GPUs. No other internals, ports or configurations are changing.

In an attempt to communicate directly to its (disgruntled of late) long-term corps of Pro users, Apple chose to relay the news with Mac blog Daring Fireball and other Apple-friendly media outlets. Apple – represented by bigwigs Phil Schiller, Craig Federighi and John Ternus – was unusually forthcoming about the shortcomings in its current lineup of Mac Pros and the future of the line.
The current edition of the Mac Pro was introduced in 2013. While it scored points for its attractive design and quiet operation, it has largely been panned because of its limited upgradability, inconvenient expansion ports and lack of one central, powerful GPU.
In response, Apple is not abandoning its Pro line, as some suspected, but instead it is taking time to completely overhaul its approach. According to Schiller, the next Mac Pro is going to be more modular, easier to update and will be offered alongside a pro display, and is expected to become available sometime in 2018 or later. Apple will also be updating its iMac line with a pro focus.
Source: Apple