
Italian airport terminal to produce wine with rooftop vineyard

Italian airport terminal to produce wine with rooftop vineyard
Aeroporto Amerigo Vespucci will be topped by a 19-acre (7.6-hectare) vineyard
Aeroporto Amerigo Vespucci will be topped by a 19-acre (7.6-hectare) vineyard
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Aeroporto Amerigo Vespucci will be topped by a 19-acre (7.6-hectare) vineyard
Aeroporto Amerigo Vespucci will be topped by a 19-acre (7.6-hectare) vineyard
Aeroporto Amerigo Vespucci is expected to host over 5.9 million international passengers each year
Aeroporto Amerigo Vespucci is expected to host over 5.9 million international passengers each year
Aeroporto Amerigo Vespucci's first phase is anticipated to be completed in 2026, while the second phase will be finished in 2035
Aeroporto Amerigo Vespucci's first phase is anticipated to be completed in 2026, while the second phase will be finished in 2035
Aeroporto Amerigo Vespucci's interior will be filled with natural light thanks to generous glazing, including skylights
Aeroporto Amerigo Vespucci's interior will be filled with natural light thanks to generous glazing, including skylights
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Rafael Viñoly Architects has revealed plans for a remarkable new airport terminal. Located in Florence, Italy, its design riffs on the local tradition of wine production and will feature a green roof with a working vineyard.

Aeroporto Amerigo Vespucci will measure 538,195 sq ft (50,000 sq m), and is expected to host over 5.9 million international passengers each year.

The gently sloping vineyard will measure 19 acres (7.6 hectares) and will include 38 rows. Obviously there are challenges with regard to irrigation and cultivation, but according to the designers, a leading winemaker from the region will maintain it all and produce wine, which will be aged in specialized cellars beneath the terminal.

Alongside the headline-grabbing vineyard, Aeroporto Amerigo Vespucci will also involve lengthening and reorienting an existing runway, moving it away from nearby hills which currently limit the ability of some modern aircraft to operate. Additionally, arrival and departure areas will be arranged across a large public space at the center of the new terminal. There will be a focus on making the airport easy to navigate for weary travelers too.

Aeroporto Amerigo Vespucci's interior will be filled with natural light thanks to generous glazing, including skylights
Aeroporto Amerigo Vespucci's interior will be filled with natural light thanks to generous glazing, including skylights

Rafael Viñoly Architects also says that the airport is slated to receive the LEED Platinum green building standard. Details are slim at this early stage, but we do know that as well as its large green roof and general focus on maximizing natural light with generous glazing, including skylights, it will include solar panels that will be woven throughout the structure, including between vineyard rows. Additionally, a rainwater harvesting system and greywater recycling will irrigate the greenery and reduce the building’s potable water requirements.

The project will be completed in two phases, with phase one due to be completed in 2026 and phase two expected in 2035. It's part of a growing trend lately of adding lots of greenery to airports, both on their inside and out, such as the Jewel Changi and Terminal 2 at Kempegowda International Airport.

Update Feb 2: This article originally stated that the project involved the creation of parks, housing, retail space and transport links. The PR agency has informed us that the inclusion of this information in the original press release was an error. We have updated our coverage accordingly.

Source: Rafael Viñoly Architects

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David F
Avgas flavoured wine. Nice.
I live near a major airport, all surfaces get covered with residual jet fuel in a matter of hours, rain does little to nothing to wash away, good luck with that harvest...
If that venture succeeds, perhaps they'll try the same approach at the sewerage treatment plant.
Dave Holland
I had a friend that lived close to LAX. He used to joke that he didn’t need a ‘starter’ to light his charcoal barbecue because it absorbed enough kerosene… Grape vines (or food crops) are a dumb idea.
Well, seems to me that five people commenting already (myself included) know the consequences of this ill-thought out idea. Anyone that has ever been to an airport must have sensed the deep smell of aviation fuel, never mind the diesel vehicle stench along with it from service vehicles. Why not just plant flowers on top with a snazzy design that can be seen from the air.
I recently took flights to/from Atlanta's Hart Field. Like the others who have made similar comments, I can't believe just how incredibly BAD this idea is. The stench of jet exhaust ...