
Arsenal Firearms' Double Barrel Pistol shoots two bullets at once

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One full payload from the AF2011-A1 can deliver in three seconds what would take a regular 9mm pistol almost ten times as long to fire, including reloading
Aside from the separate barrels, the rest of the AF2011-A1 is made of conjoined parts, so that it uses a single slide, grip, and safety
Arsenal says the gun can be handled like any other .45 caliber handgun and is surprisingly accurate, considering its non-traditional design
The pistol holds 16 .45 ACP rounds split between two columns, which connect to a single base plate and can be loaded like a single magazine
One full payload from the AF2011-A1 can deliver in three seconds what would take a regular 9mm pistol almost ten times as long to fire, including reloading
The AF2011-A1 Double Barrel Pistol is capable of firing 16 rounds in a span of three seconds by shooting two bullets at the same time
Arsenal Firearms produced the double-barreled handgun to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of the Colt 1911-A1
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It's been a popular design for shotguns for over a century, so why not handguns? With a design that looks like two guns were melted together, the new handgun from Arsenal Firearms is definitely a handful. Thanks to the gun's dual barrels though, the AF2011-A1 Double Barrel Pistol is capable of firing 16 rounds in a span of three seconds by shooting two bullets at the same time.

Arsenal Firearms produced the double-barreled handgun to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of the Colt 1911-A1, which has been the preferred sidearm of the U.S. Military since World War II. This certainly isn't the first double barrel pistol ever made, but it is the first .45 caliber, semiautomatic one built to industrial specifications.

Aside from the separate barrels, the rest of the AF2011-A1 is made of conjoined parts, so that it uses a single slide, grip, and safety

Aside from the separate barrels, the rest of the AF2011-A1 is made of conjoined parts, so that it uses a single slide, grip, and safety. It can however be customized to use a single trigger or two separate triggers, so the left and right barrel can be fired independently. Most of the internal parts - firing pins, springs, housings, etc. - are actually interchangeable with standard Colt 1911 parts. The pistol holds 16 .45 ACP rounds split between two columns, which connect to a single base plate and can be loaded like a single magazine.

The pistol holds 16 .45 ACP rounds split between two columns, which connect to a single base plate and can be loaded like a single magazine

Arsenal says the gun can be handled like any other .45 caliber handgun and is surprisingly accurate, considering its non-traditional design. At 15 yards (13.7 m) from a target, all 16 bullets will group in an area about the size of an orange; at 25 yards (22.8 m), that area grows to about the size of a watermelon. The dual barrels also pack quite a punch, with two bullets making up 460 grains of weight hitting a target one to two inches apart from each other, depending on the distance. That means one full payload from the AF2011-A1 can deliver in three seconds what would take a regular 9 mm pistol almost ten times as long to fire, including reloading.

Check out the video below to watch Dimitry Streshinskiy, co-creator of the AF2011-A1 Double Barrel Pistol, demonstrate the handgun by firing a fully loaded magazine.

Product Page: Arsenal Firearms

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Albert Cousins
Twinlinked is here! Browning + WH40k= More Dakka!
Wow....the first pistol I never want to own.
I can do more payload out of a Para-Ordnance 14-45 without the girth and massively stupid look. It carries 14 rounds of .45acp magazine with one double stack magazine....and a additional round in the chamber.
Awesome! I have absolutely no use for it but that doesn't make me want it any less.
Morgan Jones
The same person who would buy this is the same person who would buy a gold-plated .50 caliber Desert Eagle. Pure novelty.
Bill Bennett
I will keep my IMI baby Desert Eagle in 9mm and 41AE, 19 rounds of 9mm or 15 of equal to .45 ballistics .41 AE, this gun is a turd, not useful for carry, not useful for anything, spot on Morgan
it looks like two colt 1911s taped together...
A short study of ballistics will show that two large subsonic .45 bullets coming out of their barrels so close together will affect eachother in flight so you'll end up with less accuracy than a standard single barrel .45.
That would be in addition to the huge weight and recoil.
this is just a movie prop surely?
Kathy Munro
I am appalled that you have even featured this object of destruction. Handguns have no other purpose than to shoot people. Fan bloody tastic - some idiot has invented one that can kill twice as many at once - evolutionary progress?? Think again....
Jeff Rogers
This will be a wonderful tool for school shootings....america is sick.
I've got a better idea - how about one barrel less rather than one barrel more. Then no one gets hurt.
Samer Helmy
"It's been a popular design for shotguns for over a century, so why not handguns?"
Because of something called physics. Shotguns fire groups of inaccurate pellets for short-range effect, not single ballistic aerodynamic bullets.
Obviously a novelty that has no use whatsoever except being in a show-case in a guy's house who doesn't know how to use it.