Far be it for we at Gizmag to inadvertently reveal the secret identity of a crime-fighting superhero, but let's just say that if Poland had its own version of the Dark Knight, then he'd probably live in this house. Featuring a subterranean car tunnel that runs under the garden and directly into the home, the Autofamily House bears more than a little resemblance to a suburban version of Batman's Batcave.
Autofamily House's driveway is set upon a level plot and gradually turns into a tunnel. The attractive house and garden are both raised 3 m (10 ft) above with a retaining wall, and in order to avoid breaking up the garden, the tunnel sports a green roof.

To complete the wow-factor that visitors experience, the tunnel entrance also contains the owner's sizable art collection. As for the house itself, we know very little beyond the basics: it was completed in 2012 by Polish architects KWK Promes, measures 990 sq m (10,656 sq ft), and features two floors. As we said, very little.
But then it wouldn't be a secret lair otherwise, would it?
Source: KWK Promes via Arch Daily